Sunday, February 27, 2011

An Archive of Follow-Ups

Sorry, I cant seem to stop myself from using the increasingly stale "Archive of _____" formulation. As a quick, if somewhat delayed, follow-up to my last post, I stumbled across this passage in Sara Ahmed's The Cultural Politics of Emotion:

"My archive is perhaps not 'an archive of feelings' to use Ann Cvetkovich's beautiful formulation. Cvetkovich's method involves 'an exploration of cultural texts as repositories of feelings and emotions.' Feelings are not 'in' my archive in the same way. Rather, I am tracking how words for feelings, and objects of feeling, circulate and generate effects: how they move, stick, and slide. We move, stick and slide with them" (14).

We are all surprised to discover, I'm sure, that both Ann Cvetkovich and Sara Ahmed are more aware of their work's connections than I am. This will not stop me from expecting some sort of compensation from their collaboration. It also might not stop me from writing about said connection further, once I finish The Cultural Politics of Emotion, because I find public thinking to be kinda neat.

There have been some fantastic queer brewings, both political and not, in the past week or so, and I intend to mouth-off about them spectacularly in the next day or two. In the meantime, check out Roxie's latest post, where the puppy blogger weighs in quite nicely (and I don't just say that because either of Roxie's moms could quash my plans for graduation). Happy Sunday, folks.

Will Danger

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